The Student Services Centre is the focal point for our Student Support team. All student well-being related services can be accessed by students here, including:

  • Counselling services conducted by skilled Student Well-being and Engagement Leaders:

    • Personal

    • Career

    • Subject Choices and Changes

    • Crisis

  • Visiting services:

    • Mental Health Practitioner

    • Psychologist

    • Speech Pathologist and Occupational Therapists

  • A safe area for students needing emotional space and time

  • Re-entry meetings

  • Reporting and dealing with Harassment

  • A meeting space for small focus groups

Parents / Caregivers who need to collect students for any reason need to speak to Student Services who will sign your student out of the school. 

The Student Support team includes the following staff:

  • Cathy Venning – Student Wellbeing & Engagement Leader

  • Richard Haynes - Student Wellbeing & Engagement Leader

  • Zahrna Manley - Pastoral Care Worker

  • Jacob Schilling - Pastoral Care Worker

Useful links if you are feeling unsettled or anxious


e-Headspace, a free online counselling platform:

Kids helpline

WebChat counselling:

Phone counselling: 1800 55 1800 (free and confidential)


Self-care tips:

Professionally reviewed self-help tools-and-apps:

Youth Beyond Blue

Mental health information:

Online chat forum:

Phone counselling service: 1300 22 4636

Blackdog Institute

Dream On – smart phone app trial for young people experiencing sleep difficulties: 


Government search engine

for locating information and resources on a range of topics

Sam the ChatBox:

Onsite Staff

If you feel like it would be beneficial for your student to speak with one of our Student Wellbeing Leaders or support staff, please feel free to contact student services to book an appointment or encourage your student to come in and see us, or contact us via daymap.

Beating stress and worries
