VHHS Subject Counselling Process for 2023
/Dear Parent/Caregiver
Subject Counselling Process for 2023
Monday 8 August to Friday 12 August (Week 3), all students Year 8-11 will be making their subject preferences for 2023.
Students in Year 7: have set curriculum of all areas and are not required to undertake subject counselling, and are not required to book a subject counselling appointment.
Students in Year 8: are not required to book a subject counselling appointment. Hardcopy selection forms will be sent home allowing families time to discuss the options available. Students then finalise their choice subject preferences on the hardcopy form and return via House Teachers by Friday 19 August.
Student in Years 9-11: A specialist counselling team will guide students and families in this process through individualised Subject Counselling appointments throughout week 3 Monday 8 August to Friday 12 August.
To book an individual Subject Counselling appointment, please visit , click on the link provided at the top of your ¶¶Òõ¸£ÀûÊÓƵ page and follow the steps. This booking system will open from Friday 29 July. If you are having any difficulty with this process, please contact the school for assistance. Please note: Interview staff will vary depending on availability.
Students on program at the Wellbeing and ¶¶Òõ¸£ÀûÊÓƵ Hub: will be contacted by Wellbeing Coaches to discuss subject selections.
Students within our Special Education Sub School: may also choose subjects at this time. This will be negotiated through student’s House Teachers.
Families of students with current One Child One Plans will be contacted individually to align updating of these plans with suitable subject selection appointments.
For successful transition into the next year of study, it is crucial students choose an appropriate program of subjects that aligns with their future pathway. Prior to subject counselling, we ask that students and families inform themselves about subjects on offer and consider these in context with appropriate advice and guidance on individual situation.
Further information about specific subjects can be found in the 2023 Curriculum Handbook, available on our website . This provides students and families information on courses and subjects offered in 2023. Please read this thoroughly, as it gives the most up-to-date information regarding subjects and requirements, as well as outlining compulsory SACE patterns. If you have any difficulty accessing this booklet, please contact Administration for assistance on 8551 1900.
We greatly value your input and families are strongly encouraged to attend this opportunity to discuss and approve student subject preferences. Interviews will be conducted within the school's Research Centre. Please park in the Recreation Centre carpark, and follow the signs to appointment location.
As always, the choices made by students in Subject Counselling will provide the structure for staffing processes. It is vital that students seriously consider their subject preferences, as subjects delivered in 2023 will initially be determined by selections.
We look forward to meeting with you to discuss this next stage of your student's learning.
Yours sincerely
Adie Conley, Principal
25 July 2022